Page 59 - NAVAL FORCES 03/2017
P. 59

Regional Focus Middle East

        These are a stretched version of the Sa‘ar 4.5   offered at competitive prices. Moreover, cus-  Sea Superiority
        design that will incorporate stealth technology.   tomers are offered the Total Package Approach   is Top Priority
          Israel maintains a fleet of 11 fast attack   to assure self-sustained operation and compre-
        craft, consisting of eight 488t “Hetz” (“Sa‘ar   hensive after sales support.  Today, the navy is a full partner in IDF-
        4.5”) craft and two 415t “Reshef” (“Sa‘ar   In early 2016, the Navy conducted a succes-  networked operations at Israel’s borders and
        4”) craft, all armed with Boeing HARPOON   sful test firing of surface-surface missiles   beyond, providing strategic depth from the sea
        surface-to-surface missiles.  The Sea Corps   from a “Saar 5” corvette. The test included   domain. According to news reports, 60% of all
        of  Israel also operates 21 54t “Super Dvora”   the launch of an RGM-84 HARPOON and   IDF special missions in recent years have been
        class fast attack craft (gun) and 15 39t “Dabur”   a new weapon, assumed to be an indigenous   led by the Sea Corps of Israel.
        class coastal patrol craft.           surface-to-surface missile developed for the   As previously mentioned, the navy is
          For Israel‘s amphibious infantry forces   Navy by IAI, which is known to have been     modernising with new “Dolphin”  AIP sub-
        the navy can deploy one 24t landing craft   con tinuing the development of surface-to-   marines and four new advanced corvettes are
        personnel (LCP) vessel, with a military lift   surface missiles beyond GABRIEL 3.  on the horizon for the end of the decade – all
        of 22 troops and one ton of equipment, and   Hints about the possible existence of a new   Israeli designed and German built.
        three 730t “Ashdod” class landing craft tank   Israeli surface attack weapon surfaced in the   Interoperability-driven sea superiority is
        (LCT). There is one 1,150t “Bat Sheva” class   early 2000s, as IAI participated in an interna-  critical, as the Israeli Navy is directly connect-
          auxiliary vessel.                 tional tender to equip the new “Formidable”   ed to the air force and serves as a floating part
          There are  maritime  surveillance aircraft   frigates of the Singaporean Navy; eventually   of the latter’s integrated air defence system.
        and naval attack helicopters deployed with the   Singapore selected the HARPOON missile.  All its “Sa’ar-5” corvettes contribute to the
        navy but they are regarded as part of the air   The GABRIEL 5 was designed to be   air defence picture built and maintained by the
        force inventory.                      superior to most contemporary missiles, par-  Israeli Air Force, while the navy’s patrol boats
          As a side note, the Israeli Navy’s need for   ticularly when employed in littoral waters. It   are connected to the ground forces by way of
        constant modernisation of its combat plat-  uses an advanced active radar seeker backed   the TORCH Digital Army Programme devel-
        forms and systems makes it possible for   by sophisticated weapon control to optimise   oped by Elbit Systems.
        SIBAT, the International Defence Cooperation   operational effectiveness in a target-con gested   The IDF General Staff has defined sea supe-
        Directorate of the Israeli Ministry of Defence   battlespace. The missile significantly improves   riority as a top priority, as it is part of the new
        (MoD), to offer excess inventory. High per-  target selectivity capabilities, especially in lit-  mission of defending Israel’s economic waters
        formance, highly integrated combat systems   toral waters, typically congested with marine   and empowering the Israeli Navy to participate
        comprising small to medium sized vessels   traffic and interference generating extensive   in the land battle.
        with exceptional weapons-per-ton ratio are   and complex false target signals.                       NAFO

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