Page 60 - NAVAL FORCES 03/2017
P. 60

Regional Focus Asia Pacific

                                                                              f  Currently, the JSDF is undergoing some deep
                                                                                structural changes: The Maritime Self-Defence
                                                                                Force (MSDF) will retain four escort flotillas –
                                                                                each with one helicopter destroyer and two
                                                                                “Aegis” destroyers – and five escort divisions
                                                                                with other destroyers.
                                                                                (All photos via author)

                                                                                influence of  China,” explained Zakowski, who
                                                                                served as an intern in the Japanese Parliament.
                                                                                 Export is also necessary if  Japanese defence
                                                                                companies want to avoid financial problems.
                                                                                Indeed, all three major players – Mitsubishi
                                                                                Heavy Industries (MHI), Kawasaki Heavy
                                                                                Industries (KHI), and Fuji Heavy Industries
                                                                                (FHI) – have recorded recent profit declines.
                                                                                 An Acquisition, Technology and Logistics
                                                                                Agency (ATLA) was established in October
                                                                                2015, to support Japan’s new path. One of its
                                                                                major goals is to, “strengthen defence equip-
                                                                                ment and technology cooperation with foreign
                                                                                 In an official statement,  ATLA refers to
                                                                                the  “Vientiane  Vision”  unveiled in  Novem-
                                                                                ber 2016 by Defence Minister Tomomi Inada
                                                                                following the ASEAN meeting in the  Laotian
                                                                                capital.  This doctrine promotes strong co-
                                                                                operation with  ASEAN countries   (Brunei,
        Robert Czulda                                                             Cambodia,  Indonesia,  Laos,  Malaysia,
                                                                                  Myanmar,   Philippines,  Singapore, Thailand,
        Cherry Blossoms                                                         and  Vietnam), due to the fact that they are
                                                                                  located, “in vital areas of Japan’s sea lanes.”
                                                                                 Japan has already approached these
        Defence For and From Japan                                                countries and agreed either to begin military
                                                                                cooperation or at least to initiate negotiations
                                                                                to  this  effect.  However,  Japan  clearly  states
        A detailed look at the new interpretation that now allows Japan to exercise the   that export is only possible to countries that
        right to collective self-defence and support an ally if attacked.       are not involved in conflict or if it does not
                                                                                  violate Japan’s law and agreements or any
                                                                                resolution of the UN Security Council. Any
          In recent years Japan has increased defence   regular armed forces, although the Japan   export must support the, “active promotion of
        spending and initiated efforts to export locally-   Self-Defence Forces (JSDF) are, in effect, a   peace and international cooperation,” and the
        produced equipment to other countries, mainly   typical military force. In 2014, the government   security of Japan.
        in South East Asia. This plan, however, is less     under Abe’s leadership changed the interpreta-  Under Japan’s August 2016 Defense Tech-
        successful than Tokyo might have wished for.   tion of Article 9 and overturned a ban on arms   nology Strategy, ATLA supports the country’s
        At least until now.                 export.                             activities in, “ensuring technological supe-
          Japan, characterised by complete, unques-                             riority and responding to operational needs
        tionable pacifism and neutralism, has ended   Defence From Japan        smoothly and quickly”.
        up with the conservative Shinzo Abe as Prime                             To accomplish this goal,  ATLA has inte-
        Minister from December 2012. Since then,   Japan was, for a long time, forbidden from   grated several organisations and departments,
        he has been trying to transform Japan into a   exporting its military products – which are   which were responsible for procuring equip-
        more active actor in the region, particularly in     officially known  as  “defence  products”  or   ment for the JSDF. By doing this, Japan is
        military and security posture. It is foremost a     “defence  equipment;”  the  word  “military”   demonstrating that it wants to more effectively
        reaction to an increasingly assertive and ex-  is never used. In 1967, Japan introduced a   manage all elements of procurement, includ-
        pansionist approach by China – Tokyo’s main     limited export ban, which was extended to   ing concept study, research and development,
        rival.                              include any transfer in 1976.  Abe changed   production, acquisition and maintenance
          “During  Abe’s  administration,  large  this policy in 2014 as part of his security and   throughout the full life cycle. Since ATLA was
          changes are visible,” Professor           defence strategy.  “Abe started, for   only established less than two years ago, it is
        Karol Zakowski at the University            strategic reasons, to export Japa-  yet too early to assess its efficiency. The same
        of Lodz in Poland (and a   visiting         nese military technology to coun-  is true for another ATLA goal, which is to,
        scholar at several Japanese uni-            tries  that  could  support Japan  as   “maintain and strengthen defence production
        versities) commented.  “To some             a counterbalance to the increasing   and technological bases”.
        extent, they are possible due to a
        new interpretation of Article 9 of
        Japan’s constitution.” Japan there-         Robert Czulda, PhD,
                                                    a research associate in the Department of the Foreign Policy and Security Theory
        in formally renounced  its right to         (University of Lódz, Poland), is an expert in international security and defence issues,
        belligerency and even  maintaining          and a regular contributor to NAVAL FORCES.
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