Page 64 - NAVAL FORCES 03/2017
P. 64

Regional Focus Asia Pacific

        Sarosh Bana

        Pacifists Pack a Punch

         60 Seconds with the Japanese Naval Industry

           The Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) has a fleet of 154 ships and 346 aircraft.
           Its main tasks are to maintain control of the nation’s sea lanes and to patrol territorial waters.
           It also participates in UN-led peacekeeping operations (PKOs) and Maritime Interdiction Operations (MIOs).
           (All photos: JMSDF)

        Japan’s naval industry is   energi sed   cause of which the two countres have not yet   and IHI   Marine United Inc. (IHIMU) – that
        by the government’s   accelerated   signed a peace treaty to end World War II.  merged with Universal Shipbuilding in 2013
        warship-building  programme   that    Japan is thus taking recourse to rapidly de-  to create JMU. These five companies had been
          redoubles efforts to reinforce its   ployable naval and amphibious forces as part   contrac ted to build the eight “Asagiri” class
                                                                                destroyers, commissioned between 1985 and
                                            of its defensive strategy. Its plan now is to
          maritime defences. Here’s why ...  produce two agile and heavily armed 3,000t   1991, which were an improved version of the
                                              frigates per year from  April 2018 onwards,   “Hatayuki”  class  and  have  since  been  suc-
          As  a  seabound  nation  consisting  of  four   instead of the one 5,000t destroyer made annu-  ceeded by the “Murasame” class.
        main  islands  and  6,848  smaller  ones,  Japan   ally until now for the Maritime Self- Defence   A devastating industry slump during the
        has a formidable task in securing its sea lines   Force  (MSDF). This  highlights Tokyo’s   1970s and 1980s led many Japanese ship-
        of communication by which it receives much     aspirations for a compact but well-armed and   builders to diversify; Hitachi reorganised its
        of its oil from West Asia, coal from Indonesia,   advanced fleet, the frigates being useable also   businesses into environmental, water treat-
        and grain from Australia.           for minesweeping and submarine hunting.  ment and industrial systems and processes. It
          Its Ministry of Defence (MoD) is concer-  Japanese naval shipyards like Mitsubishi   merged its shipbuilding operations with those
        ned with the “increasingly severe” security   Heavy Industries (MHI), Japan Marine Unit-  of NKK Corporation in 2002 to form the joint
        situation surrounding Japan. Across the Sea of   ed Corp. (JMU), Kawasaki Heavy Industries   venture Universal Shipbuilding; Hitachi had
          Japan lies an intransigent North Korea enga-  (KHI), Sumitomo Heavy Industries (SHI), and   begun life as Osaka Iron Works in 1881 and
        ged in a massive arms build-up, while a  restive   Mitsui  Engineering  and  Shipbuilding  (MES)   was renamed Hitachi Zosen in 1943.
        China rears its head in the East   China Sea,   may tender for the contract for building eight   Worldwide attention has been drawn to two
        where it has long sparred with Japan over an   of these 3,000t frigates, with an estimated unit   new  JMU-built  helicopter  carriers,  Japan’s
        island territory it calls Diaoyu and  Japan calls   cost of U$375 million. To ensure enough busi-  largest military ships since WWII. The first-
        Senkaku. Japan also contests South   Korea’s   ness to the yards to keep them operational,   in-class 19,500t “Izumo” and its sister ship
        control of the Liancourt Rocks, an  islet  cluster   the MoD has stipulated that whichever one is   “Kaga”, commissioned on 25 March 2015 and
        in the Sea of Japan that it calls Takeshima and   awarded the $3 billion contract will subcon-  22 March 2017 respectively, are deemed con-
        Korea calls Dokdo, and has a 60-year dis-  tract work to the other bidders.   figurable as offensive aircraft carriers capable
        pute with Russia over the Kurils island chain,   Contracts have  been parcelled out  to   of  operating unmanned  surveillance  drones,
        stretching from Hokkaido island to the south-    multiple  bidders  in the  past,  as with  MHI,   a potential prelude to fixed-wing flights with
        ern tip of Russia’s Kamchatka  peninsula, be-  Mitsui, SHI, Hitachi Zosen Corporation,   appropriate deck alteration.
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