Page 61 - NAVAL FORCES 03/2017
P. 61

Regional Focus Asia Pacific

        Japan’s new or potential              The Maritime Self-Defence Force (MSDF) at a Glance
        export markets

          ATLA promotes cooperation on defence   In December 2016, Japan approved a military budget of roughly  €42.68 billion, of
        technologies and procurement. Currently,   which approximately 2.2% is devoted to R&D, and 15.8% to procurement. The majority
        Japan has only a few products available for   of  spending is allocated to the Ground Self-Defence Force (GSDF - 36%), followed by the
        export, one of which is the P-1 maritime pa-  MSDF (24.6%) and Air Self-Defence Force (ASDF - 23%). The main modernisation areas
        trol aircraft (MPA), which has been in JSDF   are: ISR, transport, C2, rapid response capabilities to attacks on remote islands (especially
        service since March 2013 and is produced   air and amphibious), missile defence, space and cyber defence.
        by Kawasaki  Aerospace Company (part of   The GSDF has been developing an Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade (its provi-
        KHI), which also manufactures the C-2 twin-   sional name) based on the Western Area Infantry Regiment. The unit, whose future  soldiers
        turbofan long-range transport aircraft, which   have already participated in the “Iron Fist” exercise in California in February 2017, along-
        entered JSDF service in June 2016.  There   side the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit from Camp Pendleton, will become active in
        are indications that Vietnam is considering a   March 2018 and be equipped with AAV-7 vehicles.
        procurement from Japan of either used P-3Cs
        or new P-1s, with the US Navy as a potential     tech nologies with India and discussions on the   the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency.
        alternative source for the former.  Thailand   US-2 for the Indian Navy and Coast Guard   The Philippine Coast Guard has also commis-
        is also believed to be interested in P-1s and   have been ongoing since then. Unit cost   sioned a third 44m multirole response vessel
        New Zealand has reportedly requested infor-    appears to be the principle obstacle, although   (MRRV) to be delivered by Japan Maritime
        mation on both the P-1 and C-2 aircraft po-  Japan has reportedly agreed to a decrease of   United Corporation (JMUC) in  Yokohama
        tential replacements for P-3K2s and C-130Hs   10% to U$113 million for 12-18 aircraft. A   for transfer in 2018. In total, 10 MRRVs have
        respectively. The P-1 has to compete with the   contract, which was signalled for the first time   been ordered. Meanwhile, Vietnam will have
        P-8A POSEIDON, while the C-2 has to con-  in mid-2014, is expected soon.  Deliveries of   the loan of six Japanese patrol vessels.
        tend with the  A400M, C-17, and KC-390.   the US-2s will not only be useful from a mil-  It was also rumoured that Japan held some
        The P-1, which, in Japan, is a successor to the   itary point of view, but will also support the   initial talks with the UK regarding the  delivery
        P-3C ORION, could also be offered to other   Indo-Japanese bloc vis-à-vis China, which   of P-1s to the RAF as a replacement for its
          regional users of P-3s, such as Australia, South   has been increasing its presence in the  Indian   NIMRODs, but ultimately, in November 2015,
        Korea, and Taiwan.                  Ocean and is a long-standing ally of India’s   London selected the P-8A.
          ShinMaywa Industries manufacture the   arch-enemy, Pakistan.           Another potential customer was  Australia:
        US-2 amphibious Short Take-Off and Landing   In late March 2017, Japan delivered the   In July 2014, both countries signed an agree-
        (STOL) aircraft for the Search  And Rescue   first two of five TC-90 KING AIR advanced   ment on further cooperation, which paved the
        (SAR), emergency transport, and maritime   trainers to the Philippine Navy; the remaining   way for joint research on maritime hydro-
        surveillance roles.  Already in service with   three will be delivered by the end of 2017, as   dynamics.  Tokyo had hoped to convince
        the JSDF, the company has yet to secure a   per an agreement reached in September 2016.     Australia to procure its “Soryu” class diesel-
        foreign customer. In December 2015, Japan   At the same time, the Japanese Coast Guard   electric  attack  submarines,  manufactured  by
        signed an agreement on the transfer of  military   handed over a second “Ojika” class vessel to   MHI and Kawasaki Shipbuilding Corporation

        A Japanese landing craft air cushion (LCAC) lands on Red
        Beach as part of the initial offload for Exercise “Dawn Blitz.”

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