Page 62 - NAVAL FORCES 03/2017
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Regional Focus Asia Pacific

        (a subsidiary of KHI). Finally, in April 2016,   project between London and Tokyo is related   are, not officially called soldiers]. Many of
        the DCNS SHORTFIN “Barracuda” Block   to chemical and biological protection technol-  them decided to join the JSDF because it
        1A was chosen for a requirement of 12 sub-  ogies and in late March 2017, an agreement to     offered a simple, secure job, but now there is
        marines.                            undertake a joint study on co-development of   a risk of being deployed to a conflict zone. Of
          One of the reasons for this, at least accor ding   next-generation aircraft was signed. A similar   course, the attitude towards Abe’s decisions is
        to local reports in Australia, was that   Japan   agreement with France was signed in March   also related to political beliefs: Right-wingers
        failed to offer an attractive offset, which could   2015 and came into force in December 2016.   are happy with them, but, among the majority
        have created job opportunities in   Australia,   As a more practical step, in January 2017, a   of Japanese, pacifism is still very strong.”
        which faces a period of de-industrialisation.   cooperation agreement on mine detection and   According to a 2014 poll, roughly 66.8% of
        By choosing the Japanese bid, Canberra would   unmanned underwater vehicles was signed. In   those polled were against Abe’s new policy.
        also have worsened its ties with China. It is   February, Airbus Helicopters signed a contract   In order to support amphibious operations,
        also said that neither Japanese company had   extension with ATLA on performance-based   Japan has started an upgrade programme of
        sufficient production capacity to deliver sub-  logistics for H225 helicopters, five of which   the “Osumi” class LSTs, meaning that they
        marines simultaneously to Australia and the   are  in Coast  Guard  service,  with  a  sixth  or-  will  be  able  to  transport AAV-7s  and V-22B
        JSDF. This was a major blow to Abe’s new   dered in March 2016.         Block Cs. The final unit will be upgraded by
        export policy, not only from a prestige and ge-  Japan’s defence potential, in terms of   early 2020.
        ostrategic perspective, but also from a purely   both the JSDF’s needs and export, has been   The MSDF will procure additional “Aegis”
        economic one; the contract is worth €36 bil-  strengthened by long-term cooperation with   destroyers (DDG), destroyers (DD), subma-
        lion over the next 30 years.        the US. Japan is involved in the production of   rines, P-1 aircraft, and SH-60K helicopters.
          Japan is now interested in a modernisation   F-35A aircraft and the establishment of a re-  At the same time, it will upgrade its existing
        programme in India, which is looking for six   gional depot for them, as well as a joint main-  destroyers, submarines (including those of
        AIP-equipped attack submarines.  Although   tenance base for V-22s. A third project is relat-  the new 3,000t class), P-3Cs and SH-60K/Js.
        Tokyo was invited to submit a bid, there is   ed to the transfer of software and parts of the   The introduction of a new ‘compact-type hull’
        only a minimal chance that it will be success-  AEGIS weapons system, while a fourth focus-  destroyer,  new  AWACS  aircraft  and  a  fixed
        ful, since India expects that all units will be   es on the joint development of the SM-3 Block   air-defence radar system (FPS-7, with addi-
        constructed in Indian shipyards. On the oth-  IIA missiles, the first successful intercept for   tional deployments and added ballistic missile
        er  hand,  the  “Sotyu’s”  4,200t  displacement   which took place in February 2017. The US   defence capabilities) have been announced and
        seems to meet current Indian requirements.   could be an important partner in MHI’s current   the current fleet of E-767 AWACS aircraft and
        In this bid, Japan will have to compete (de-  project for a new amphibious assault vehicle   three ground support stations will also be im-
        pending the final specification) with DCNS,   with a speed of 20-25kts compared to the sev-  proved. Under the current budget, the MSDF
        Saab, thyssenkrupp Marine Systems, and HHI   en of the AAV-7.           has €4 million for capability improvements to
        (South Korea).                                                          the radars of the P-3C MPAs and €15 million
          In order to increase its import/export po-  Defence for Japan         for life extension of three P-3Cs, while €39
        tential, Japan has been developing industrial                           million is devoted to life extension of four SH-
        interactions with Europe, albeit rather slowly.   Large-scale modernisation and a military   60K/J helicopters. One OP-3P has received an
        An agreement to transfer military equipment   build-up are unlikely, however. Professor   upgrade to its imagery intelligence for €5.82
        and technology was signed with the UK in   Zkowski explained: “An attitude of society to-  million. Japan is also acquiring the RQ-4B
        July 2013. Both countries are involved in a   wards its military will not change rapidly; it is   GLOBAL HAWK UAVs.
        collaborative research project on the feasi-  rather a slow process. It must also be remem-  In the 2016 financial year, €46 million was
        bility of a new joint air-to-air missile, which   bered that Abe’s military policy is not always   allocated to the life extension of “Asagari”
        is scheduled to end by March 2018. Another   welcomed by members of the JSDF [which   class (5), “Abukuma” class (2), “Hatakaze”

               An MV-22B OSPREY sits aboard
               the JS SHIMOKITA during an exercise.

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