Page 56 - NAVAL FORCES 03/2017
P. 56

Regional Focus Middle East

                                                                                force area commanders, he holds two­star
                                                   During Operation “Protective Edge,”   rank.
                                                  the Israeli Navy made targeted strikes   By far the smallest arm of the IDF, the Sea
                                                     on Gaza from the Mediterranean.
                                                                                Corps has not established a marine corps,
                                                                                although it had created an elite unit of about
                                                                                300 underwater commandos who have proven
                                                                                to be highly successful in amphibious assault
                                                                                and sabotage operations. Its naval air arm is
                                                                                limited to maritime reconnaissance missions
                                                                                conducted with aircraft produced by  Israel
                                                                                Aerospace Industries (IAI) and rescue  and
                                                                                surveillance missions performed with helicop­
                                                                                ters. With a moderate number of landing craft,
                                                                                Israel could deliver small forces of troops and
                                                                                armoured equipment for beach landings.
                                                                                 Because most of the potential maritime
                                                                                threats are found in the Mediterranean region,
                                                                                most of the fleet is deployed there, the navy’s
                                                                                primary bases being Haifa and Ashdod. Just
                                                                                a few vessels are deployed at Eilat in the Red
                                                                                Sea  ­ usually about seven “Dabur” class in­
                                                                                shore patrol boats and a few other craft.
                                                                                 The discovery of large natural gas deposits
                                                                                in its offshore exclusive economic zone (EEZ)
                                                                                in 2009 came as a welcome surprise for Israel,
                                                                                transforming the energy security outlook of a
                                                                                country that had relied heavily on imports.
          Israel’s Navy is thought to be very good at   quirements, develop into the more expansive   Although reduced in scope from earlier
        what it does, but what it does is extremely lim­  fleet and broader commitment envisioned?   plans, a modernisation programme for the Sea
        ited: patrols, coastal defence, a small but very   With the help of Europe and the US.  Corps of Israel approved in 1988 included the
        elite commando force, and an alleged subma­  The navy enjoys more autonomy within the   acquisition of three “Saar 5” class corvettes to
        rine­based nuclear strike capability, as report­  Israel Defense Force (IDF) structure than its   be built in the US, three new “Dolphin” class
        ed by the media.                    official designation would suggest. The com­  diesel submarines to be built in Germany and
          In practical terms, how does this small force   mander has the status of a senior advisor to   the upgrading of existing patrol boats. In Plan
        and this narrow vision of Israel’s seafaring re­  the chief of staff: in common with the ground   Gideon, Israel’s new multi­year modernisation

          Patrol boats from
          Naval Squadron 916
          participate in an exercise
          in the Mediterranean Sea.

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