Page 54 - NAVAL FORCES 03/2017
P. 54


        Reintjes Expanding Naval Activities
     Features                               almost 90 years. Could you give our readers a   for civil vessels like workboats, fast ferries

                                           (All Photos: Reintjes)  general idea of the structure, size and turnover   and yachts. May I assume that you are now
                                            of your company?
                                                                                planning to increase your activities also in the
                                            K. Deleroi: In fact, the REINTJES Company
                                                                                naval sector?
                                            exists already for more than 137 years. The
                                                                                have been mainly known for our expertise in
                                            foundation was laid with a mechanical work-  K. Deleroi:>  It is correct that until now we
                                            shop in 1879. Since then the product range has   civil marine applications, but our visibility
                                            been extended continuously towards specia-  in the naval sector will definitely increase in
                                            list system solutions such as pod and hybrid     future.
                                            drives. This is beside our classic portfolio of
                                            marine gearboxes for main drives with  power   NAFO: Does your current line of gearboxes
                                            ratings from 250 to 30,000 Kilowatts.  The   meet the more stringent requirements for navy
                                            product range is complete with our industrial   vessels?
                                            gearboxes for gas and steam turbines and for   K. Deleroi: As we have already been  supplying
                                            compressors.                        several gears to some corvettes with structure
                                              Reintjes employs about 500 staff members   and airborne noise requirements, I would
                                            worldwide, with about 400 in our headquar-    definitely say: Yes! We are geared up for these
                                            ters in Hameln. In 2016, the Reintjes GmbH   kinds of applications and our customers have
                                            turnover was about €50 million, an exception   trust in our quality and competence.
                                            compared with previous annual results due to   Reintjes has already supplied gears for small
                                            the poor market situation.          and medium sized patrol boats, for the Coast-
                                                                                guard and the Marine Police but also for the
                                            NAFO: You have been the CEO of Reintjes for   Navy. Nowadays our focus for naval business
                                            more than two years. What is your background   lies on OPVs, corvettes and small frigates.
                                            that qualifies you for this demanding post?
                                            K. Deleroi:  I am entirely a marine guy –   NAFO:  Modern warships do not only have
        In an interview, Klaus Deleroi, CEO     starting with my military service on board the   sophisticated weapon and sensor suites. They
                                            destroyer “Hessen,” then with my marine engi-
                                                                                also have complex propulsion systems that
        of Reintjes, briefed NAVAL  FORCES   neering study at Delft University, and finally   combine diesel  engines,  gas turbines and
        on his company’s plans to increase   working in various positions within the marine     electric motors. Is Reintjes prepared to build
          activities in the naval sector    sector, e.g.  with MTU Friedrichshafen and   gearboxes even for those types of vessel?
                                            MAN Diesel & Turbo. So, I believe I know   K. Deleroi: So far we have concentrated our
                                            the markets and their customers; most of all I   activities on conventional drive systems.  To
        NAFO:  Mr.  Deleroi,  let  me  use  this  oppor-  know their requirements for power trains.  combine two diesel engines on one shaft, or
        tunity to welcome Reintjes as a new part-                               combining an electric motor with a diesel en-
        ner of NAVAL FORCES. Reintjes has been a   NAFO: So far, Reintjes has been known   gine on a gearbox, are both possible solutions
          renowned producer of marine gearboxes for     mainly  as  a  specialist  for  marine  gearboxes   for us.
                                                                                     NAFO:  How about CODOG or
                                                                                     CODAG (combined diesel or gas)?
                                                                                     K. Deleroi: Perhaps in five or ten years
                                                                                     we will think about even more sophisti-
                                                                                     cated propulsion systems like CODOG
                                                                                     or CODAG, consisting of gas turbines
                                                                                     and diesel engines, maybe even with
                                                                                     a  cross-connected  gear   between the
                                                                                     propeller shafts. Definitely the range
                                                                                     of our hybrid drives will be further
                                                                                       expanded;  that means  a  combination
                                                                                     of electric motors and diesel engines,
                                                                                     e. g. designed as an integral solution.
                                                                                     Thirdly, for the fast patrol craft, our al-
                                                                                     uminium gears will be re-worked and
                                                                                     weight-optimized. Of course, we have
                                                                                     got more plans for the future, but I can-
                                                                                     not go public with these yet.
                                                                                     NAFO: Thank you.        NAFO

                                                                                   f  A Reintjes inspection team prepares a
                                                                                     delivery for a customer after extensive
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