Page 55 - NAVAL FORCES 03/2017
P. 55

Regional Focus Middle East

        Interoperability-driven sea superiority is critical,
        as the Israeli Navy is connected both to the air force,
        serving as a floating part of its integrated air defence system,
        and the land forces.
        (All Photos: IDF)

        Nick Braveman

        The Israeli Navy:

        Persistent Command of the Sea Domain

        The Israeli Navy is not designated    The role of the Israeli Navy is to protect   and other equipment helps Israel to  deter and
        as a   separate service, but is offi­  Israel’s coastline and territorial waters and to   defend against Weapons of Mass Destruction
        cially known as the Sea Corps of    intercept any hostile seaborne guerrilla groups   (WMD), ballistic missiles, and heavy rockets.
        Israel and operates primarily in the   trying to infiltrate Israel from the sea. To this   Faced with new threats from the sea, Israel
          Mediterranean theatre as well as the   end, the navy carries out regular  patrols both   has rethought its naval capabilities, adopting
                                            in territorial waters and also up to more than
                                                                                a new mental image of itself as a nation with
        Gulf of Aqaba and the Red Sea, as   100km from shore.  NAVAL FORCES looks at   responsibilities to secure its interests abroad,
        these are growing in political, eco­  this small but very capable service.   especially the gas fields and strategic sea lanes
        nomic and security significance.      The Mediterranean gives Israel strategic   nearby.
                                            depth and a greater area from whence to oper­  Nick Braveman
                                            ate militarily than is afforded by  Israel’s land­  is a Tel-Aviv-based defence journalist and a
                                            mass, i.e. using the sea for ships, submarines,   regular contributor to Mönch’s magazines.
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