Page 18 - NAVAL FORCES 03/2017
P. 18

Technology Spotlight

        environmentally safe refrigerant. This high-ef-  30-year-old tanker HMNZS  ENDEAVOUR in   Viking Airtech has a dedicated workforce,
        ficiency gas has enabled engineers to redesign   order to maintain the NZDF’s replenishment   state of the art equipment and stringent sys-
        and further streamline systems, providing   capability.                 tems for Quality Management as well as
          vessel builders and operators with a range of   The South Korean-built naval tanker will be   Health, Safety and Environment Management
        benefits. In addition to the  refrigerant change-  ice-strengthened and winterised for Antarctic   that consistently meet international standards.
        over, advances in electronics have driven the   and Southern Ocean operations. Being the   Since 2009,  Viking  Airtech is a   wholly-
        availability of smart, electronic controls that   largest naval vessel operated by the Royal New   owned subsidiary of Singapore Exchange-
        monitor and protect the system while pro-  Zealand Navy, the ship offers comfortable ac-  listed   Viking Offshore & Marine Ltd. It is
        viding an easy-to-use digital control to set   commodation for a maximum of 98, and will   of   Scandinavian heritage  and  was  founded
        the temperature.  HVAC systems can even be   have two NATO probe fuelling rigs, allowing   in 1994 as part of Singapore based  Viking
        monitored and controlled remotely via the in-  the refuelling of two ships at once, produce     Engineering in Singapore which was started
        ternet.                             and store water, store and transport bulk goods   by a Sea Captain, a Marine Technical Manager
          Heinen & Hopman Engineering has a   and 8,000t of diesel.             and a Marine Technical Inspector from Nor-
        long-established and wide ranging practical   AERIUS Marine, part of the RH Marine   way and Sweden. Customers include the Indo-
        experience in  the  maritime  field,  providing   Group, is a market  leader in the design, instal-  nesian Navy, Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN),
        global coverage and 24-7 service availability   lation and commissioning of maritime HVAC   Singaporean Defence Science &  Technolo-
        thanks to major service points and spare part   solutions, developing tailor-made HVAC   gy  Agency (DSTA), and  Thai Coast Guard,
        depots around the world.  The company has   solutions on board passenger ships and navy   amongst others.
        substantial experience in supplying HVAC for   vessels. The company offers its customers in-  Alion’s knowledge and expertise in the area
        the navy, including hydrographical research   novative, sustainable technological solutions   of HVAC design ensures complete compli-
        vessels, supply vessels, corvettes, frigates   compiled individually and customised with   ance for any design. Alion personnel perform
        and patrol vessels. Heinen & Hopman in co-  the utmost precision.  AERIUS Marine sees   all HVAC-related engineering for  AC load
        operation with Heinen & Hopman Korea was   itself as a partner for every phase of a ship’s   determination, systems analysis, modifica-
        awarded a contract to supply the HVAC and   life cycle, from the design planning through   tions development, equipment, duct and air
        Refrigeration for a  Maritime Sustainment Ca-  the just-in-time material logistics right up to   conditioning machinery sizing, and fan room
        pability (MSC) Vessel, to be built by  Hyundai   the turnkey handover.  The company’s range   development. Special measures are routine-
        Heavy  Industries  for  the  New  Zealand  De-  of services stretches from pre-design to engi-  ly performed for equipment failure analysis
        fence Force (NZDF) as part of their Maritime   neering to the delivery of components and ma-  and evaluation, design modifications to suit
        Sustainment Capability (MSC) project.  This   terials right up to installation and subsequent   arrangement changes, insulation require-
        project will replace the New Zealand Navy’s   commissioning, while all work is performed to   ments, equipment air conditio ning, standar-
                                            the highest certified quality standards.  disation and cost optimisation. Utilising in-
                                              Its systems can be found on ships of the   dustry-standard CAD programmes, including
                                            German Customs  Authority (Zoll SWATH   AutoCAD,   MircoStation, Vivid,  Computer-
                                            “Borkum” and “Helgoland”) and German   vision, as well as the company’s own HVAC-
                                            Navy (F125, Type 702 “Bonn”), Indian Navy   CPS (computerized heating and cooling load
                                            (fleet support vessel), Polish Navy (OPV “Sla-  calculator),  Alion ensures a comprehensive
                                            zak”), Royal Navy (frigate type 26, CVF HMS   integrated engineering  package.
                                            “Prince of  Wales” and HMS “Queen Eliza-  Cutting-edge HVAC integrated with NBC,
                                            beth”), and more.                   refrigeration and cooling equipment is being
                                              Viking  Airtech is a specialist in HVAC   designed for the latest generation of frigates
                                            &   Refrigeration (HVAC&R) products and   and corvettes, and Bronswerk Marine is a
                                            solutions  for  critical  environments, with ca-  known  provider.  In an area that  is not  con-
                                            pabilities including customised design, man-  sidered high tech by most, the new HVAC-R
                                            ufacturing, equipment supply, installation,   design enables naval vessels to be fully opera-
                                            commissioning and after sales and service   tional anywhere in the world. Bronswerk’s new
                                            support.                            automated HAVC-R design protects crew and
                                              Products and total solutions are available   equipment from nuclear, biological and chem-
                                            for a wide range of industries at sea and land   ical attacks and adds the ability to keep critical
                                            including marine and offshore vessels and   munitions, radar and communications equip-
                                            platforms, cruise ships, onshore receiving ter-  ment up and running under the most extreme
                                            minals, buildings, infra structure installations,   climate conditions. As a result, versatile and
                                            electrical sub-stations and military facilities as   modular are the watch-words; today’s ships are
                                            well as manufacturing plants, chemical plants   being equipped with: Primary and secondary
                                            and warehouses.  The range of HVAC&R   air systems, stand-alone and modular chillers
                                            equipment and solutions is comprehensive.   that are energy-efficient and deliver full capac-
                                            The equipment can be off the shelf or tailored   ity with sea-water temperatures ranging from
                                            to each customer’s unique specifications and   0°C to 40°C, and Special Equipment to cool
                                            requirements. Production and design facilities   communications rooms, munitions and radars.
                                            are located in Singapore and China. Global   Navies  today  need  to  operate  around  the
                                            Sales and Service is supported from offices   globe and new fleets of naval ships are no
                                            in Singapore, Malaysia, China, Indonesia, and     exception.  The latest iteration of HVAC-R
                                            Brazil. Viking Airtech also has a wide network     systems are integrated with NBC capabilities
                                            of agents and partners throughout the world.  into the future.   NAFO

                                          f  Viking Airtech provided the Royal Malaysian Navy vessel KD LEKIR (F26)
                                            with living quarter ventilation duct trunk cleaning and duct insulation renewal.
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