Page 15 - NAVAL FORCES 03/2017
P. 15

T echnology Spotlight

        able as a way of controlling the ship’s motion.   have been the first to see wave-piercing as a   the ship’s hull and the sea, a valuable quality.
        In the case of the “Zumwalt,” the  tipped-back   positive feature of a more conventional ship.  There are several ways to generate and
        bow shape was apparently chosen to help keep                            maintain an air cushion under a ship, but in
        the ship from riding over waves. It might be   Norwegian Air-Cushion    each case the idea is that the air in effect lubri-
        argued that green seas over the foredeck may   Benefits                 cates the boundary between hull and sea. Like
        have unfortunate effects on exposed weapons                             a planing hull, an air cushion ship is subject
        and equipment, in this case the tops of vertical   Of earlier unconventional hull forms, the   mainly to frictional rather than wave-making
        launchers and the semi-enclosed 155mm guns.   main survivor seems to be the air-cushion ship   resistance, so it can move at high speed (for
          At Euronaval 2016, DCNS showed a mo-  typified by the Norwegian “Skjold.” At one   its size) using less power than a conventional
        del of a frigate the French Navy is to buy as   time it seemed that by using an  air   cushion   hull. The air-cushion craft does have to use po-
        a successor to the current “FREMMs.” In   a substantial ship, such as a frigate, could   wer to maintain the air cushion, a factor being
          place of the conventional sharply-raked bow     achieve a speed  as great as 70 knots. How-  limiting leakage around the hull. Typically, the
        of the “FREMM,” this frigate showed a rather   ever, there is an effective limit on the art of   sides of the hull extend into the water to cont-
          blunt tipped-back structure, described as a   the possible. The air cushion ship has to gene-  ain the cushion and there are seals fore and aft
          wave-piercing bow.  The explanation   given   rate and maintain a sufficient cushion to carry   to limit unavoidable leakage.
        at  the  show  was  that pitching  can  damage   the ship’s full weight, which requires a certain   As in a planing hull, an air cushion craft
          weapons and sensors; wave-piercing offers a   specific pressure.  Unfortunately, the  ship’s   riding the surface can suffer badly as the sea
        more stable ride, which is preferable.   weight grows as the cube of her dimensions,   becomes rougher. Much clearly depends on
          The new frigate was described as a less ex-  but the available supporting surface grows as   how long the surface effect craft is, since in
        pensive follow-on to the “FREMM,” though   the square. At 273t the “Skjold” works quite   effect what matters is the average height of the
        it is unclear just how wave-piercing makes   well (she achieves 60kts), but it would be dif-  sea under it. None of the unconventional hull
        for a more economical design. It is possible   ficult to scale her up to ten times that.   forms seems likely to be adopted on a very lar-
        that  wave-piercing makes it possible to drive   The Norwegian air-cushion mine counter-  ge scale. The trimaran suffers from seakeeping
        a smaller ship into a given sea, and speed in   measures craft benefit from the air cushion   problems; the semi-planing hull demands far
        a set sea state may have been a key design re-  design in two ways. One is in their large deck   too much power (and hence has limited en-
        quirement.                          area, far beyond what would be available in a   durance); the wave-piercer must cope with
          No one else at Euronaval was offering a   conventional design. A second is in their abili-  green water over the bow; and the air-cushion
          wave-piercing bow. Earlier proposals for ships   ty to run at high speed when transiting the long   craft seems inherently limited in size. All are
        with such bows have generally emphasised   Norwegian coast.  The air cushion prob ably   likely to be adopted by navies, but probably on
        stealth, as in the “Zumwalt;” DCNS seems to   also offers effective sound isolation between   a limited basis.  NAFO
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