Page 20 - NAVAL FORCES 03/2017
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Technology Spotlight

        Sarosh Bana
        Conventional Submarine Markets

        Plumbing the Depths of Undersea Warfare

        While changing geo-political chal len-  German leaders had lobbied hard with Can-  with a foreign technology partner.  Apart
        ges make military imperatives more   berra for the HDW Type 216 SSK made by   from TKMS  pushing for its Type 214, others
        pronounced, nations around the globe     thyssenkrupp Marine Systems (TKMS), while     vying for the deal will likely be: DCNS for a
        seek to strengthen territorial  defence,   German Defence Minister, Ursula von der   modified  “Scorpene;”  Navantia’s  S-80  class;
                                            Leyen, had endorsed the company’s Type 214
                                                                                Saab  Kockums’ A26; Russia’s Central Design
        not least by bolstering and revitalising   during her India visit in May 2015.     Bureau for Marine Engineering ‘Rubin’ for its
        their undersea  capabilities.                                           “Amur 1650;” and Mitsubishi Heavy Indus-
                                            Indian “Scorpene”                   tries (MHI) and Kawasaki Heavy Industries
                                                                                (KHI) for their jointly produced SORYU sub-
          The global submarine market is increa sing   This was with an eye to the imminent $12   marine.
        in value from a current U$22.8 billion to $36.3   billion tender for six new-generation stealth   Submarines are now being qualified as
        billion by 2026, 35.3% of it accounted for by   diesel-electric submarines for the Indian Navy     exceptionally capable special warfare plat-
        the  conventional  diesel-electric  hunter/killer   (IN), which also has an on-going $3.8 billion   forms with increasingly diverse, adaptable
        submarine (SSK)  segment,  according  to re-  programme for the indigenous construction   and client-specific roles.  With many navies
        search studies. It is also predicted that global   of six 1,565t “Scorpene 2000” SSKs under a   wishing to replace or replenish their existing
        spending on submarine maintenance, repair   2005 Transfer of Technology (ToT) agreement   undersea fleets, prominent defence contrac-
        and overhaul (MRO) will increase from $2.8   with DCNS. India requires its forthcoming   tors like those mentioned, as also China Ship-
        billion to $3.3 billion in the next ten years.   tender to be executed at an identified pub-  building Industry Corporation (CSIC), are
          However, as submarine design and produc-  lic or private shipyard in the country that is   adopting smart technologies and autonomous
        tion programmes are capital intensive and     assessed to have the potential to build  mo dern   operations built around the cheaper electron-
        of long gestation, a few contracts – or even   conventional submarines in   collaboration   ic sensors that are revolutionising the tactical
        one for that matter – can debunk all projec-                            seascape.
        tions,  as  with  the  $38  billion  contract  awar-                     Russia’s “Varshavyanka,” or Improved
        ded to DCNS in April 2016 for designing and                             “Kilo” class submarine, built at St. Petersburg’s
          building  12  next-generation  submarines  for                        Admiralty  Wharf, gained world attention
        the Royal  Australian Navy (RAN).                                       with its accurate targeting of self proclaimed
          Rivalry is  intense in  this  field,  in which                          Islamic State (IS) encampments in Syria with
        a handful of submarine manufacturers are                                the long-range KALIBR cruise missiles, used
          chasing relatively few, but often   hugely                            for the first time in combat. There is now a
          lucrative, contracts. For the Australian  contract,                   growing requirement to incorporate dedicated
                                                                                equipment for Special Forces and unmanned
                                                                                missions into submarine design.
        The submarines of the first and second batches
        of HDW Class 212A can rightly be called
        “the peak of German submarine technology.”                              Breakthrough Designs
         In line with the German basic design concept,
        this non-nuclear but air-independent submarine                           As navies seek increased customisation,
        remains compact, with a high payload in the way                         vendors are offering breakthrough designs or
        of sensors, communication equipment,
        weapon control systems and weapons.                                     progressively modified platforms. DCNS’s
        (Photo: thyssenkrupp Marine Systems)                                    4,000t Shortfin “Barracuda” Block 1A is

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