Page 22 - NAVAL FORCES 03/2017
P. 22

Technology Spotlight

           To move beyond Mesma (shown)
           and stay ahead of its competitors, DCNS decided
           to develop the FC2G second-generation fuel cell. It produces
           onboard hydrogen from standard diesel fuel by chemical reformation.
           In parallel with this effort, the group also developed a patented system to inject nitrogen
           into the oxygen supply line in the same proportion as in normal air resulting in a mixture that is far less
           reactive than pure oxygen. This ‘synthetic air’ is then injected into the fuel cells where it reacts with hydrogen
           to produce electricity.
           (Photo: DCNS)

          being designed specifically for the RAN and   only triggering retaliatory militarisation in its   70s (“Hashmat” class) from the late 1970s.
        its $1 billion Technical Data Package was ex-  neighbourhood, but is unsettling the region by   Though both India and South Korea prima-
        clusively for the IN’s “Scorpene” programme.   supplying SSKs to impoverished nations like   rily assemble existing platforms under licence,
        Similarly, under a German-Norwegian stra-  Bangladesh and Pakistan. It recently trans-  they have developed competence in submarine
        tegic partnership,  TKMS will be building   ferred two 1,800t “Ming” class Type 035Gs to   construction, especially in aspects of hull fab-
        four upgraded HDW Type 212As that will be   Bangladesh after refurbishing them at a cost   rication, outfitting,  and  systems  integration.
          delivered as HDW  Type 212CD (Common   of $203.3 million. It will also help establish a   India’s Mazagon Dock Ltd (MDL) has built
        Design) to replace Norway’s six “Ula” class   base in the Bay of Bengal; these submarines,   two of the four HDW Type 209s – designat-
        vessels. Two more will be built for the German   the first for the Bangladesh Navy, will trans-  ed the “Sindhughosh” class – acquired by the
        Navy.                               form the service into a ‘three-dimensional’   IN, and constructed the six “Scorpene 2000s,”
          Vietnam’s $3.2 billion order from Admiralty   force. Each submarine features eight 533mm   while Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) and
        Wharf came to be one of Moscow’s largest for   tubes that will very likely deploy the Chinese   Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Enginee-
        naval hardware, the deal entailing the supply   45km range Yu-4 torpedo, or 32 naval mines   ring (DSME) are producing nine HDW Type
        of six “Varshavyanka” class boats modified as   in lieu.                214 variants, designated the “Son  Won II”
        per Hanoi’s requirements, weaponising them,   In one of China’s largest overseas weapons   class.
        training  Vietnamese crews in Russia and   sales, worth $5 billion, CSIC will deliver four   DSME also licence-built nine derivatives of
        building a submarine facility at the Cam Ranh   S20s, the export variant of the “Yuan” class   the HDW Type 209/1200 submarines that were
        Bay deepwater harbour in southeast Vietnam.   Type 41, to Islamabad by 2023 and ToT kits for   designated the “Chang Bogo” class and which
        These P-636MV (Vietnam export version)   the assembly of four more by 2028. They will   joined the Republic of Korea Navy (ROKN)
        submarines are superior in several aspects to   be compliant with the Stirling air-independent   between 1993 and 2001. It was also awarded
        their older variant, the P-636MK (China ex-  propulsion (AIP) system, armed with  YJ-2   a $1.1 billion contract in 2011 by Jakarta for
        port version), which the shipbuilder adjusted     anti-ship missiles and  Yu-4 passive   homing   delivering three improved “Chang Bogo” class
        to Beijing’s requirements. A dozen of China’s   and  Yu-3 active/passive homing torpedoes.   (Type 209/1400) boats to the Indonesian Navy
        53 SSKs are Russian “Kilos.”        The Pakistan Navy already operates three   between 2015 and 2018.
          With one of the world’s largest nuclear and   DCNS “Agosta” 90Bs (“Khalid” class) pur-  The US, the world’s largest maritime  power,
        conventional submarine fleets, China is not   chased in the 1990s, and two older  “Agosta”   has not built any diesel-electric submarines

        Sweden is unleashing its GHOST (Genuine HOlistic STealth) technology, making the Kockums A26 submarine
        effectively invisible as all its signatures are lower than those of the Kockums “Gotland” class and many other submarines.
        (Photo via author)
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