Page 16 - NAVAL FORCES 03/2017
P. 16

Technology Spotlight

        Andrew S. Ilan

        The Maritime HVAC Revolution

                                                                                       f  AERIUS Marine provided HVAC,
                                                                                         ColPro, Automation, and ILS to the
                                                                                         German Navy’s F125
                                                                                         “BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG“ (F222).
                                                                                         (All photos via author
                                                                                         if not otherwise noted)

                                                                                         Recycled Air
                                                                                          The  health  risks  of  exposure
                                                                                         to onboard contaminants have
                                                                                         gained more public awareness, in
                                                                                         large part due to viral and bacte-
                                                                                         rial outbreaks on naval ships. De-
                                                                                         spite sanitation measures, ships
                                                                                         still seem to be especially prone
                                                                                         to outbreaks as many people be-
                                                                                         ing in one small area facilitates
                                                                                         the virus’s spread. Any space con-
                                                                                         tains moulds, bacteria,   viruses
                                                                                         and odours.  The air we breathe
                                                                                         con tains them too, but this is not
                                                                                         harmful – up to a certain amount.
                                                                                         In large quantities however, the
        With the continuous development of    Over the past few years, HVAC systems        chance of exposure to bad bacte-
        marine HVAC equipment leading to    have gone through number of technological   ria increases drastically.
                                                                                 The risk of poor air quality is higher when
        increased sophistication of the sys-  transformations and, consequently, major   the air in a ship’s HVAC system is recycled
        tems available, this article outlines   players operating in Europe’s HVAC market   for energy saving purposes or when the main-
                                            are changing their product portfolio by incor-
        key drivers of technological advance-  porating the latest technologies available on   tenance of the HVAC equipment is not done
        ment and evolution.                 the market. According to research, the HVAC   adequately. Build-up of bacteria, moulds, and
                                            market is projected to grow between 2017-  viruses inside the installation can cause very
          As we all know, naval applications are sub-  2022 and several countries have emerged as   serious health problems.  The primary func-
        ject to some of the most challenging require-  leading markets for HVAC systems.
        ments found at sea as well as on land. As the   Today’s vessel operators are able to take
        archetypal mobile but heavy force, the navy   advantage of modern heating and cooling ca-  Vessel structural design
        is often called upon to, e.g. channel disaster   pabilities to support crew well-being as well   is being considered from
        relief or secure distant areas. This may require   as provide ideal temperatures for sensitive   the preliminary architecture
                                                                                            project up to the detailed
        it to sail anywhere in the world at short no-  electronics and other systems on-board. With   structural design and production
        tice, including regions with extreme climates   HVAC manufacturers responding to on-going   drawings, including HVAC-R.
        far from supply lines. When this happens, it is   pressure from vessel builders to provide dura-  (Graphic: CMN)
        important to know that you can rely on your   ble and robust solutions that are also smaller,
        heating, ventilation and air-conditioning units   lighter and quieter, the market is increasingly
        no matter what.                     seeing the introduction of advanced systems
          Heating,  Ventilation and  Air Condition-  that provide higher capacity and efficiency.
        ing (HVAC) is a technology used to create
        comfortable inship environment with accept-
        able indoor air quality and thermal comfort.
        Demand for HVAC systems in the maritime
        area is continuously increasing due to expan-
        ding navies, growing demand for high- quality
          energy-efficient devices, and increasing
        aware  ness.

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