Page 14 - NAVAL FORCES 03/2017
P. 14

Technology Spotlight

                                                                                  At Euronaval 2016, DCNS unveiled
                                                                                  its new “BELH@RRA” 4,000t wave-
                                                                                 piercing frigate design, for both the
                                                                                       French Navy and for export.
                                                                                 Note the bulwark to protect the gun
                                                                               and missile launchers from green seas
                                                                                   coming aboard in rough weather.

        for the usual hull. Their buoyancy supports a   It is usually described as a semi-planing hull,     elements block access to the main hull (which
        platform. The struts connecting the underwa-  a type used earlier by some high-speed yachts.   is also much narrower than in “Freedom”).
        ter bodies with the flat platform above water   In theory, a planing hull achieves high speed
        have very limited waterplanes. SWATH offers   by riding atop the water. Instead of the  waves   Wave-Piercing Hull
        outstanding stability for its displacement (as in   produced by a typical displacement hull, a
        US and other sonar surveillance platforms) but   planing hull is  supported dynamically and   Another variation on displacement hulls
        is generally not  associated with high speed. If     resistance is largely limited to the friction   is the wave-piercing hull pioneered by the
        the waterplane is the problem, why are trima-  of the hull surface riding the surface of the     “Zumwalt” class, conceived as very stealthy
        rans and SWATHs so rare in the world’s na-  water.                      warships.  A ship’s side and the sea form a
        vies? Besides linking a ship to the motion of   Many small fast attack craft (and most   corner reflector and thus create strong radar
        the sea, the waterplane also determines how   racing craft) have planing hulls, achieving   echoes. The designers of the “Zumwalt”  tipped
        the ship reacts to changes in weight. The  larger   speeds far beyond what might be expected   the ship’s side (tumblehome) back to eliminate
        the area of the waterplane, the less the ship   with a more conventional hull.  That works   the corner reflector when the ship was riding
        sinks into the water as weight is added. A ship   well in calm water, but planing is difficult or   on an even keel. Their problem was that ships
        with a very small waterplane area sinks hea-  impossible in the more disturbed conditions to   move with the sea. They had to maintain the
        vily if its load changes; conversely, for such a   be found in the open ocean, so it is difficult to   ship’s low radar cross-section under various
        ship weight control is essential. Large variable   see the virtues of a planing approach.   sea conditions.  To do that they took two steps.
        loads, such as large amounts of fuel, can be   Some years ago, this type of hull was pro-  One was to fix the ship’s position in the water
        a significant problem, as can major modifi-  posed to the Royal Navy as a preferable alter-  by using submarine-like ballast tanks, inten-
        cation during the ship’s lifetime.  native to the long slender hulls typically used   ded to compensate for weights consumed, to
          The trimaran (and its cousin the catamaran)   for frigates. Its main virtue was much greater   keep the ship’s draft fixed. The ship was sta-
        is also sensitive to some seas. It behaves  badly   steadiness for a given displacement (hence, in   bilised against roll, which might have created
        in a quartering sea, because waves hit first   theory, cost). The cost was a need for far more   corner reflectors as the ship tipped towards a
        one side and then the other at an angle to the   power to achieve a typical frigate speed. This   radar. That left the usual ship motion created
        direction in which the ship is traveling. Most   trade-off is now more acceptable because gas   as the bow crested waves. Normally it is consi-
        of the time, however, a trimaran offers a broad   turbine powerplants are so light for the power   dered very useful for a ship to ride over waves;
        stable platform, e.g. for a helicopter, without   they deliver. A “Freedom” class LCS produces   it keeps the deck dry. On the other hand, parti-
        the resistance of a beamier conventional hull.   about as much power as a destroyer three   cularly at high speed, periodic pitching causes
        The combination of high speed (for a reason-  times her displacement (at least in theory),  to   discomfort on the bridge. Typically the rate at
        able power output) and steadiness presum ably     achieve nearly 40% higher speed.   which a ship  pitches determines the speed she
        sold the USN on the trimaran hull adopted   Compared to a trimaran, the more conven-  can maintain in a rough sea. The main factor in
        for the “Independence” class LCS. Thus far,   tional hull of the “Freedom” makes it much   such motion is the shape of the bow, including
          there have been no other naval takers, although     easier to handle unmanned waterborne   flare above the waterline.
          Austal, which designed the ship has proposed     vehicles, which are essential elements of her   In the case of the “Zumwalt,” the designers
        a variety of trimaran frigates.     modular combat system. Such operations are   accepted that seas would break over the ship’s
                                            apparently far more difficult for the trimaran   deck. In a very stealthy ship, any activity on
        Semi-Planing Hulls                  “Independence.” “Freedom” also offers easy   deck is a threat to the ship’s relative invisibility
                                            sea-level servicing for boats  and unmanned   – one reason the ship is so large is that every-
          The “Freedom” class represents  a very   surface or submerged vehicles, which is   thing must be internal. Allowing seas to break
          different approach to an unconventional hull.   not possible in a trimaran, because the side   over the deck was considered entirely accept-
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