Page 10 - NAVAL FORCES 03/2017
P. 10

Letter from Mumbai

         An Old                                                                                INS “Viraat” ( R22 ),
                                                                                               INS “Jyoti” ( A58 ),
                                                                                               INS “Jalashwa” ( L41 ),
         Warhorse Retires                                                                      and INS “Karmuk” ( P64 )
                                                                                               in formation.
                                                                                               (Photo: Indian Navy)

          It was a ceremony befitting the Indian   after the commissioning of the new “Vikrant.”   Sarosh Bana
          Navy’s (IN) jewel in the crown as the ageing   Both the decommissioned “Vikrant” and   is a regular contributor
        aircraft carrier, INS “Viraat,” the service’s   “Viraat” were made in Britain and initially ser-  to NAVAL FORCES.
        flagship for almost three decades, was  recently   ved in the Royal Navy (RN). Both also became
        decommissioned in an elaborate but solemn   the world’s oldest operational carriers, the hull
          ritual at the naval dockyard in Mumbai.   of “Vikrant” having been laid down in 1943   Its commissioning Commanding Officer,
          The termination of any warship is a   and launched in 1945 and that of “Viraat” in   Captain  (now  retired Vice-Admiral) Vinod
          sombre occasion, more so if it has been the   1944, although not launched until 1953.   Pasricha remembers heading for Plymouth
          longest-serving naval vessel in the world, if   As age caught up with the “Viraat” it was   in May 1986 along with the commissioning
        one  discounts  the  USS  “Constitution,”  com-  due to be retired in 2008, on the originally   crew  of 29 officers and 180 sailors as the
        missioned in 1797 and is retained on the US   scheduled delivery of the “Gorshkov.” But,     mothballed ship was being readied at Devon-
        Navy’s strength for entirely historical reasons.   as the Russian carrier slipped its schedule, it   port Dockyard for its recommissioning with
          The 28,700t “Viraat,” formerly HMS   was then planned to pay off “Viraat” in 2018,   the IN nine months later.  They were soon
          “Hermes,” was acquired from Britain in 1987   on the induction of the “Vikrant,” which itself     visited on board by the Indian High Commis-
        to join India’s first aircraft carrier, the 19,500t   has been delayed by three years. While some   sioner to the UK, who seemed convinced that
        INS “Vikrant” (former HMS “Hercules”), also   in the IN believe “Viraat” could have lasted   the ship would not be ready to sail for at least
        acquired from Britain, in 1961.     much longer, it was clear that its many life-en-  the next three years.
          This enabled the IN to deploy a carrier task   hancing refits and upgrades could not sustain   “The  ‘Viraat’ crew not only proved him
        force on each seaport. As two carrier strike   it indefinitely. It had its final operational de-  wrong, but also the RN team, who let us know
        groups became a prerequisite for the IN, this   ployment in the International Fleet Review off   that we would be lucky if we kept her operatio-
        advantage did not last beyond a decade, how-  Visakhapatnam, the base of the Eastern Naval   nal for seven more years,” Pasricha remarked.
        ever, as the ageing “Vikrant” had to be de-  Command, in February 2016.  He also remembers that while everyone desi-
        commissioned in 1997.  This changed again   INS “Viraat” held the Guinness Book record   red some relaxation after working long hours
        16   years  later when the 44,750t  Russian-   for having been the longest-serving aircraft   at the dockyard, the IN does not allow a bar on
        made INS “Vikramaditya” (former “Admiral   carrier in the world. Under the Indian flag, the   board ship, unlike the RN. Bars ashore were
          Gorshkov”) joined the service in 2013.   ship clocked more than 22,622 flying hours by   priced beyond the men’s limited sanctioned
          With “Viraat’s” decomissioning, the IN will   its various aircraft, and spent 2,252 days at sea,     allowances. “So as to not break any rule, and
        remain a  single carrier  service until  India’s   sailing an overall 5,88,287 nautical miles. By   yet resolve the issue, the dockyard was kind
        first  indigenous  aircraft  carrier  – christened   this reckoning, it was at sea for over six years   enough to give us a large room on the jetty that
        “Vikrant” to commemorate its forebear – joins   and had sailed round the globe 27 times.  we converted into a bar on weekends,” he says.
        the service in late 2018, following its launch   A “Centaur” class aircraft carrier, “Viraat”   Pasricha hopes that a historic ship like
        in August 2013.                     was originally commissioned in the RN in   the “Viraat” is preserved as a museum- cum-
          Although  “Vikrant”  served  the  IN  as  its   1959 and had the distinction of serving as the   heritage site to keep the nation’s maritime
        flagship for 26 years, from 1961 to 1987, INS   taskforce flagship during the conflict with     memories alive and as a tribute to its naval his-
        “Viraat”  was  also  the  flagship  for  26  years,     Argentina over the Falkland Islands in 1982.   tory. This appears unlikely. Similar sentiments
        from 1987 until “Vikramaditya’s” induction   It also played a stellar role in the IN, spearhea-  had been expressed when INS “Vikrant” en-
        in 2013. With its greater size, superior fire-  ding the Indian Peace Keeping Force’s Opera-  ded its service. But, as the government expres-
        power, and capacity to stable more aircraft,   tion Jupiter in Sri Lanka in 1989, and in Ope-  sed its inability to fund such a venture, it was
          “Vikramaditya” will continue as flagship even   ration Vijay in 1999, during the Kargil War.  disposed to a scrap dealer in Mumbai.  NAFO
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