Page 44 - NAVAL FORCES 03/2017
P. 44

Expeditionary Warfare


                                                                                The 127mm 64 LW from Leonardo
                                                                                was intro duced in 2012 as the latest
                                                                                in its 127mm line of naval guns.
                                                                                It is designed as a dual-purpose system
                                                                                for both surface and shore targets
                                                                                and is capable of firing the extended
                                                                                range precision guided VOLCANO

          Opposing artillery batteries, anti-tank   miles).    These ranges and their typically   sheet states the change, “improves the gun’s
          guided missiles, and defensive positions in the   low-level flight profiles use sophisticated   effectiveness as a land attack weapon in naval
        objective area are a primary concern.   Now   guidance including inertial navigation and   surface fire support.”
        the capability to quickly and accurately re-  GPS, terrain-following radar and optical   The 5in gun is highly versatile, with a
        spond to new threats as they are identified is   tracking of stored geographic data to give ac-  suite of ammunition well suited to shore fire
        crucial.   This requires efficient mechanisms   curacies in the region of tens of metres.  They     support.  These include High Explosive - Point
        to locate such targets and the means to bring   generally have a conventional high explo-  Detonating, -  Variable  Time, - Controlled
        to bear responsive fires from offshore vessels.    sive warhead of around 500kg, although the     Variable  Time (HE-PD, HE-VT, HE-CVT
        Increasingly, this is being performed by sur-  Block IV Tomahawk has a Joint Multi-Effects     respectively) and illuminating rounds.  A high
        veillance-tasked UAVs equipped with inertial   Warhead System (JMEWS) programmable   explosive cargo round (HE-ICM) is also avail-
        navigation, high resolution cameras, and laser   warhead for blast fragmentation or enhanced   able, carrying 49 submunitions designed to ex-
        ranging to transmit highly accurate targeting   penetration.   However, these missiles are   plode at a programmed point above the surface
        data directly to the fire direction centre of a   costly:  TOMAHAWK’s unit price is around   and dispense its munitions over a 300m area.
        ship to respond.                    U$1.5 million.  Thus, the missile’s principal   The 5in/127mm has proved to be a highly
          Once the ground force is on the beach and   application is against deep, fixed high-value   effective in shore support for decades; how-
        moving inland, the focus is on supporting   operational targets such as command centres,   ever, concerns exist over its maximum range,
        them and responding to calls for fire from   airfields, and ammunition depots.  which limits engagement of deep targets and
        the advance elements.  These include not   For direct tactical fire support landing   also requires ships to operate closer to shore
        just destructive fires but smoke to conceal     forces must rely upon guns, as they have for   than is desirable in the face of modern an-
        movement, illumination, and counter-battery.      centuries.  The once broad array of naval guns   ti-ship missiles. Raytheon’s Extended Range
          Highly mobile mechanised landed forces, am-  (a 1950s inventory lists over 100 different   Guided Munition (ERGM) and Orbital ATK’s
        phibious raids and landing with limited objec-    naval guns over 75mm in service) is today   Ballistic  Trajectory Extended Range Muni-
        tives could choose to rely exclusively on fire   down to a handful.    The 127mm/5in is the   tion (BTERM) were efforts conducted from
        support from the sea.               most common, with the French 100mm and   1996 to 2011 to both provide extended rang-
                                            the 76mm, though not optimised for shore en-  es (90,000 and 100,000m respectively) plus
        Current Capabilities –              gagement, having a potential role.  precision guidance rounds for the weapon.
        Guns or Missiles                      The  US-designed  5in  /54  calibre  (Mk  45)   Both were unsuccessful and cancelled by the
                                            uses the L54 Mark 19 gun on the Mark 45   USN.  As an alternative, Raytheon is working
          Naval armament suitable for engaging land   mount and is found in 11 navies.   A  BAE   on an effort seeking to take the proven tech-
        targets consists primarily of guns and some   Systems product, it is fully automatic with a   nology of the 155mm EXCALIBUR preci-
        land attack missiles.  Sea launched land  attack     maximum range of 23,700m with conventio-  sion  guided projectile used with the 155mm
        cruise missiles (LACM) include the  Raytheon   nal ammunition and a 16-20 rpm rate of fire. A   howitzer and apply it to the naval 5in gun. It
        TOMAHAWK, French  SCALP-KG,  Chinese   MK 45 MOD 4 gun mount upgrade increased   is projected that it would not only provide ac-
        CJ-10, and Russian 3M-54 KALIBR. These   the barrel length to 62 calibres, resulting in   curacy of 10m  circular error probability (CEP)
        have ranges of 500-1,500km (300-1,000   the 5in/62. The US Navy (USN) official data   but also a threefold increase in range. Using
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