Page 47 - NAVAL FORCES 03/2017
P. 47

Expeditionary Warfare

        that extend and contract, lower and lift, or by
        articulated cranes that also rotate about their       Creative Technology Applications (CTA) continues development
        mountings.                                     of its Soft Rail system that employs a net drogue akin to a fishing trawl to
                                                       put sufficient tension on two polyethylene cables that then serve as rails.
          A  basic choice with cranes and  davits  is                                                                  Features
        whether they lift the boat/unmanned surface
        vessel (USV) at one point or two. Single point
        lifting is popular because it is simple, versatile
        and reliable. However, it requires a painter line
        to run from bow of the boat to a point forward
        on the ship deck to stabilise it in yaw, with
          further yaw control exercised by deck person-
        nel using tag lines connected to the boat’s bow
        and stern.
          Some single point lift devices can limit the
        daughter craft’s yawing with a rigid lift con-
        nection, reducing the need for tag line han-
        dlers, but they are more complicated and rely
        on tailored connections to the loads. Single   Stern Recommendations    While often designed for a specific vehicle,
        point systems are adequate up to 6kts, but the                          they can usually handle others. They are an im-
        USCG’s National Security Cutter, for  example,   Well-docks are proven in larger ships, and   portant focus of development in automation,
        was converted to dual point davits for L&R at   stern ramps are increasingly common in small-  although automated capture devices usually
        higher speeds.                      er vessels, while the offshore industry and the   work only with specific vehicle geometries.
          Dual lift requires a more sophisticated lift-  scientific community regularly use A-frames.   Of the two types of evolution, recoveries are
        ing appliance that brings with it the risk of un-  Most well-docks were designed with amphib-  the more demanding and tend to be the lim-
        intentional release of one of the connections.   ious vehicles in mind, but also work well with   iting factor, said the SMST. Sea state five is
          Side-mounted systems are often in alcoves,   boats and submersibles. Both well-docks and   usually the limit, and recoveries are usually
        which provide shelter for crews but can restrict   stern ramps have a heavy influence on ship   carried out into head seas at 3-6 knots.
        space and visibility from the bridge, while   size and design.           While stern ramps are affected by many of
        over-the-stern options can be quicker and eas-  Stern ramps provide quick L&R of, typical-  the same factors as lateral L&R systems, they
        ier to supervise.                   ly, RHIBs and USV designs based on RHIBs.   also have their own issues, one of which is the

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