Page 43 - NAVAL FORCES 03/2017
P. 43

Expeditionary Warfare


                                                                                    The Mark 45 5in/62 naval gun is standard
                                                                               armament on warships of 11 navies and has a full
                                                                               range of ammunition suitable for surface, air, and
                                                                                land targets. It has been the mainstay for the US
        Stephen W. Miller                                                     Navy since 1971 and is based on the prior 5in/54.
                                                                                  (All photos via author unless otherwise noted)
        Surface Fire Support

        The objective of expeditionary  landing   have jeopardised the survivability of their war-  would include airfields, anti-ship missile  sites,
        forces is to project power from the sea   ships if employed in traditional manners near   surface-to-surface missiles, air defences and
        and establish a physical presence on   land. Without naval fire support, expedition-  command facilities. It would be undertaken
                                            ary operations are likely untenable. What are
                                                                                by attack aircraft, ships and even submarines
        land. Doing so entails building com-  today’s capabilities and how might new tech-    employing long-range standoff land attack
        bat capability on land from zero. This   nologies solve the concerns of both sailor and   missiles and other ordnance. This  phase may
        also means the landing force must rely   soldier or marine?             also seek isolation of the landing area by
        on fire support from ships at sea. A                                      destroying bridges and communications net-
        look at effective fire support by war-  Expeditionary                   works. Care needs to be taken so as to not
        ships critical to the success or failure   Fire Support Tasks             reveal the location of the proposed landing site
        of landing operations.                                                  or to hamper ground manoeuvre once ashore.
                                              Providing long-range destructive fire in   As ships near the designated landing areas,
                                            ground combat is the job of the artillery. The   effort shifts to neutralising immediate threats
                                            expeditionary force must rely on naval assets   to the landing force elements offshore and
          In the past guns dominated warship arma-  to provide this same support, at least until it   as they approach the beach. Precision guided
        ment. This changed in the 1960s with an em-  can establish itself and move its own guns   ordnance can be highly effective at this stage.
        phasis towards missiles.  Warships once had   ashore. Even then ship-based support can still
        6-8 heavy calibre cannon but now have one.   be critical. The US Marines in their prin ciples
        Given the historical importance of naval fire   for successful amphibious expe ditionary oper-  Stephen Miller
                                                                                is a former US Marine and defence industry
        support,  those  tasked  with  executing  land-  ations in the 1930s identified effective naval     executive.  He  has  led  major  ground,  air  and
        ings have been concerned to ensure adequate   gunfire support as high on the list.   Initially,   naval military and security programmes in 24
          capabilities exist to provide the necessary   the naval force conducts pre-landing bom-  countries. His hands–on operational, system
                                                                                development,  acquisition and  field  support  ex-
        support. At the same time, naval commanders   bardment designed to destroy targets that   perience provides a unique perspective on their
        are  worried that long-range anti-ship missiles   would threaten the approaching ships.  This   critical connection.
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