Page 40 - NAVAL FORCES 03/2017
P. 40

Protection & Mobility

        The guided-missile destroyer USS “Zumwalt” (DDG 1000)
        is one of the US Navy’s most technologically-advanced surface ships.

          The generators powered by these engines   the combustion process, in turn enabling the   the UK Parliament’s Defence Select Commit-
        feed two main high-voltage switchboards that   engine to produce more power. Recuperation   tee were told this, they were not impressed.
        distribute Alternating Current (AC) power to   uses a separate heat exchanger system to re-  “It is astonishing that the specification for
        all the consumers, either at 4,160V to the GE   turn heat energy (but not gas) from the exhaust   the Type 45 did not include the requirement
        Power Conversion  VDM 25000 propulsion   to the combustion chamber so that less fuel   for the ships to operate at full capacity – and
        converters, or via transformers at 440V and   has to be burned to produce a given amount   for sustained periods – in hot regions such as
        115V to the weapons and ship services.  of power.                       the Gulf. The UK’s enduring presence in the
          For propulsion, the power is fed to air a pair   The problem, according to testimony before   Gulf should have made it a key requirement
        of 20 MW Advanced Induction Motors (AIM)   the UK Parliament’s Defence Select Commit-  for the engines. The fact that it was not was
        via Pulse  Width Modulated (PWM) power   tee, is that the intercooler, which ultimately   an inexcusable failing and one which must
        converters that control their speed. The AIMs   uses seawater to cool the intake charge, is not   not be repeated in the Type 26 and GPFF pro-
        drive two shafts directly, without a gearbox.   up to the job in the high water temperatures   grammes”  (The GPFF is the simpler, more
          The WR-21 gas turbine is an ambitious and   encountered in the Gulf. This has triggered to-  export  friendly  general purpose frigate that is
        advanced design that uses a combination of   tal power failures because when the two WR-  to make up the remainder of the Royal Navy’s
        intercooling and recuperation to enable fuel   21s failed to keep up with the power demands,   frigate fleet alongside the ships of the curtailed
        efficient operation over a much wider range of   extra load would be automatically placed on   Type 26 programme.)
        power settings than is possible with conven-  the ship’s diesel generators and, because they   In the view of two retired Royal Navy en-
        tional gas turbines. Intercooling uses a heat   were not designed to handle it, they would   gineers providing written evidence to the
        exchanger  to  reduce  the  temperature  of  the   then trip out leaving the ship effectively dead   com  mittee, the failure to correct the  WR-21’s
        airflow between the compressor and the com-  in the water.              problems before service entry can be put
        bustor, increasing the air density so that there   Yet the Type 45’s powerplant met the MoD’s   down to the closure of the Naval Marine
        is more oxygen in a given volume available to   operational temperature specifications. When   Wing of the National Gas Turbine Establish-
                                                                                ment at Pyestock, which carried out testing of
                                                                                  British naval gas turbines independently of the
                                                                                Project Napier Fixes

                                                                                 Fixing the problems is the purpose of  Project
                                                                                Napier, which centres on improvements to the
                                                                                WR-21’s intercooling system, some   changes
                                                                                to the electrical distribution system and extra
                                                                                diesel generators.
                                                                                 Project Napier started in 2014 and com-
                                                                                prises  a near  term Equipment Improvement
                                                                                Plan (EIP) and a longer term Power Improve-
                                                                                ment Plan (PIP).
                                                                                 The EIP is intended to increase reliability
                                                                                and meet the original design intent. To this end,
                                                                                incremental introduction of improvements to
                                                                                system integration plus modifications to the
                                                                                converters and converter cabinets have been
                                                                                implemented,  along  with  experience-driven

                                                                              f  A dedicated Rolls-Royce facility in Bristol,
                                                                                UK to test the gas turbines on the Royal Navy’s
                                                                                Type 45 fleet will support the destroyers’
                                                                                demanding schedules.
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