Page 41 - NAVAL FORCES 03/2017
P. 41

Protection & Mobility

        revisions to the training, doctrine and opera-  the performance of the system in a represent-  “After scheduling combat systems accept-
        ting guidance provided to crews.    ative environment prior to installation on the   ance trials for the lead ship in the third quarter
          Through the PIP, the ships will be cut open   ship.” Land based tests, the GAO continued,   of fiscal year 2017, the Navy has delayed this
        and either one or two extra (and upgraded)   were conducted on a configuration represent-  activity to early 2018,” he wrote.   Features
        diesel gensets will be installed to add extra ca-  ing only half the system. Further plans called   The DDG 1000 IPS is an instantiation of
        pacity and improve overall system resilience.   for test equipment to be installed aboard DDG   what the US Navy calls a Next Generation
                                            1002 USS “Lyndon B. Johnson” as a “cost-   Integrated  Power  System  (NGIPS),  which  is
        Electric DDG,                       effective” risk reduction measure.   described as technology roadmap that estab-
                                              “As a result, the Navy reported that nu-
        Mechanical Failure                  merous issues with the power conversion and   lishes the Navy’s goal of incorporating a Me-
                                                                                dium Voltage DC (MVDC) IPS in future sur-
          While recent publicity for DDG 1000   distribution system were discovered during   face combatants and submarines, according to
        “Zumwalt” has not been good thanks to break-  land-based testing but not resolved before ship   Cpt. Norbert H. Doerry of Naval Sea Systems
        downs on the way from Bath Iron Works ship-  installation”, GAO continued. “Because land-  Command. The “Zumwalt” IPS, however, is a
        yard on the US east coast to the ship’s home   based testing did not include testing to repli-  near term application and therefore incorpo-
        port of San Diego, including a particularly   cate shipboard power loads, power disturbanc-  rates Medium Voltage AC and High Frequency
        embarrassing propulsion failure in the Pana-  es were discovered during shipboard testing.”  AC power generation. All NGIPS versions are
        ma Canal, the problem was again mechanical   It is against this background that Congres-  to incorporate a Zonal Electrical Distribution
        and cooling related: An oil cooler leaked and   sional Research Service naval analyst Ronald   System that will build on experience gained
        allowed salt water into a bearing on one of the   O’Rourke said that one of the procurement   with the Integrated Fight Thru Power system
        propulsion motor shafts, causing it to seize.   issues that Congress must address is that the   developed for DDG 1000, Doerry wrote.
        The navy announced a temporary fix in early   navy lacks an announced roadmap for, “intro-
        April, swapping from salt water to fresh in the   ducing large numbers of ships with integrated   Modular NGIPS
        heat exchangers before an eventual redesign.   electric drive systems or other technologies
          While the US Navy argues that it success-  that could provide ample electrical power   NGIPS has established a standard set of
        fully demonstrated the ship’s Integrated Power   for supporting future electrically powered   module types that will be incorporated into
        System (IPS) during initial sea trials in De-    weapons.”              all conforming IPS in future. For example,
        cember 2015, the Government Accountability   He also emphasised programme officials’   Power Generation Modules convert fuel to
        Office (GAO) noted in a March 2016 report   warning that combat systems testing and ac-  electrical  power.  While  today  these  are  gas
        that issues with the power conversion and   tivation relies on stable power, and will in-  turbine and diesel generators, the definition
          distribution system, “were due, in part, to the   troduce new challenges for the power system   allows for new technologies such as fuel cells.
        navy’s decision to not fully test and validate   beyond those encountered to date.   Power Distribution Modules consist of the

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