Page 31 - NAVAL FORCES 03/2017
P. 31



        the earth in a process called ‘refraction’. It is   ionosphere on an irregular basis. They can be   with little restriction, however bigger files
        this process of refraction that allows HF bands   caused by a variety of solar activities, such as   such as images, which ships in recognition op-
        to travel great distances, well over the horizon.   solar winds and solar flares, or by  ionospheric   erations must be able to share with other ships
          A number of drawbacks, however, con-  events, such as ionospheric storms.  These   and between navies, do not.
        tributed to HF bands losing momentum for a     disturbances can cause the refraction of HF
        while to the advantage of SATCOM. During   radiation to vary significantly, from very high   HF reloaded: Europe
        nighttime, in the absence of sun radiation,   to very low, and therefore can cause HF oper-
        free electrons and ions join back together   ators to quickly go from a large number of HF   Despite these shortcomings, HF radios
        into one molecule, thus significantly reduc-  frequencies to choose from to a very limited   have been making a come back in the industry
        ing the   number of free electrons present in   number.  Although they are unpredictable, a   over the past few years. This is primarily due
        the  ionosphere. This reduces the ability of the   number of websites now provide information   to the fact that, in addition to the long-range
        ionosphere to refract HF radiation back toward   on the status of the ionosphere at a given time   communications  they  provide,  they  are also
        the earth and therefore limits the number of   of the day.              interoperable amongst each other. Compared
        frequencies available across the HF spectrum.   Last but not least, HF is limited in its band-  to SATCOM, once the initial investment in HF
          The number of frequencies available on the   width (19.2 kbit/s) thus restricting the amount   equipment has been made there are no addi-
        HF wavelength can also be limited by space   of data that can be shared between operators.   tional call costs or ongoing monthly line or
        weather, that is, disturbances that affect the   Typically,  voice data can travel through HF   equipment rental.

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