Military Technology 02/2022

Theme: Training and Simulation MT 2/2022 · 11 and expensive to build, slow to run, and narrow in focus. Our experience in building virtual worlds for the gaming community has given us an opportunity to change all that. Those who have used our operational planning and collective training environments see the value they add in achieving their objectives – not least because we’ve directly involved the users in the development of these technologies. We’ve also built them with collaboration in mind, allowing users in different locations to work together. But it is a departure from the way people have done things before, so there is going to be a period of transition. We cannot take the freedoms we cherish in liberal democracies for granted. We need to be ready to defend them against regimes that are willing to employ the most brutal and cynical of tactics, ignoring international law and human suffering, even taking courses of action that seem counter to their own long-term interests. And we all need to work together – across public and private sectors, and with international Founded on the belief that virtual worlds, as created for the video games industry, can have profound impact on societies – even to the extent of helping protect them – Improbable Defence focuses on making defence organisations more operationally effective and helping government design (and implement) policies better suited to confronting and mitigating fast-moving challenges. The company responded to some far-reaching questions and discussed the benefits of synthetic environments with MilTech in the run up to IT2EC 2022. MilTech: What are you seeing as current events unfold in Ukraine? Are you being vindicated in what you have been saying for years? JR: It’s not a question of being vindicated. The importance of synthetic environments has long been understood. It’s just that they’ve been slow Tim Mahon The Answer is Improbable. Probably… An Interview with Improbable Defence Improbable’s (virtual) worldview encompasses every aspect of military operations, facilitating improvement from concept and doctrine development through training, mission rehearsal and mission implementation. (All images Improbable Defence)