Military Technology 02/2023

barrel launcher on eight Type-23 frigates. Terma SKWS offers three different types of launchers: the Mk-137 has six tubes in the same direction; the DL-6T has six tubes, two for each of the firing angles (20°, 40°, 135°); DL-12T has twelve tubes, three for each of the firing angles (10°, 40°, 60° 135°). The BAE Systems Mk36 SRBOC entered in service more than 30 years ago and is likely the world’s most common decoy launching system, with over 1,000 units in service, selected by 19 navies, including the US Navy. From the deck MT 2/2023 · 63 family of decoys: chaffs (Mk214 seduction and Mk216 distraction), flares (Mk245A2) and active decoys (Mk251 Siren). The Mk214 delivers a short range, large radar section, single centre-burst chaff payload. The Mk216 offers a matrix of ten selectable height/range setting up to 2km, regardless the ship’s deck position at launch. The Mk245A2 Giant IR releases five sequential airburst sub-munitions covering across 3-5 μm and 8-14 μm bands (i.e., “dual colour”). Instead, the Mk251 Siren Off-board Active Decoy deploys an I/J ban jammer at 500m from the ship, slowly descending thanks to a parasail. In October 2022 the UK MoD placed an order to SEA for upgrading the ships’ countermeasures with a new fixed The Rheinmetall’s MASS Omni-Trap munitions cover a warship with their combined-effect payload. (Photo: Royal Canadian Navy) The effects of multiple obscurants (optical, IR, radar) launched by a Russian Buyan-class corvette. (Photo: Internet/