Latest Move to Enhance European Interoperability
Thales is to supply 80 command, liaison & reconnaissance vehicles (CLRV) – with related logistical support and communication system updates – to the Luxembourg Army, the nation’s Directorate of Defence has announced.
Managed by the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA), the contract calls for Thales and partners General Dynamics European Land Systems (GDELS) and FN Herstal to deliver vehicles that will enhance Luxembourg’s interoperability with NATO allies. Thales will provide all the onboard technologies required to support data-driven operations and collaborative engagements, including the common vehicle architecture (vetronics) and the software-defined radio systems developed under France’s CONTACT programme. In addition to its role as programme prime contractor, Thales is responsible – as it is for France’s Scorpion programme – for developing and producing the common combat vetronics for the new platforms, including the provision of the vehicles’ communication, local situational awareness, self-protection and navigation systems.
Armed vehicle crews are particularly vulnerable. To operate more effectively and in greater safety, they need to understand, decide and act faster than adversaries at all times. Information needs to be shared immediately, so that threats can be neutralised as quickly as possible after detection. Thales and partners bring to the table the levels of experience in digital systems and high-tech equipment that the Luxembourg armed forces need to remain better-protected in every situation, including high-intensity combat.