Data Retrieval and Retransmission Enables Target Detection and Classification
Sponsored by the Royal Navy and supported by Thales, Schiebel demonstrated the ASW capabilities of its Camcopter S-100 UAS during NATO’s REPMUS (Robotic Experimentation and Prototyping using Maritime Uncrewed Systems) and Dynamic Messenger 2022 exercises.
Traditionally, UAS have focused on ISR applications but now, working with Thales, Schiebel is exploring their application to ASW: the capability was tested for the first time during REPMUS. Equipped with a Wescam MX-8 EO/IR sensor and a Thales BlueScan data relay payload, the S-100 monitored transmission of data from a network of sonobuoys deployed to protect a strategic port and relayed the data to a shore-based command cell, enabling detection and classification of potentially hostile submarines.
The S-100 also demonstrated its agility by showcasing its more normal ISR, SAR and cargo roles.