First Round of Contracts to be Let October and November 2017
At its flagship industry conference, NITEC17 in Ottawa on 24 April the NATO Communication and Information (NCI) Agency briefed industry on the likely distribution of the €3 billion it plans to spend on a major technology refresh, starting this year.
Some 700 representatives from North America and Europe discussed the broad outlines of the contracts, the first of which are scheduled to be let in October and November this year. “The aim of the conference was to give industry an opportunity to prepare for these competitions, including teaming up with partners from both Europe and North America,” NCI General Manager Koen Gijsbers, stressed.
The first opportunities, totalling around €1.9 billion, will include the following technology areas:
- C2 for land operations – €2 million;
- NATO Joint Targeting Systems – €8 million;
- Logistics for multinational operations – €30 million;
- Service management and control – €27 million
- Air C2 – €320 million
- New NATO messaging and information services – €70+ million
- Satellite communications services – approx. €1.5 billion
These will be followed in 2018 by a second round of invitations to bid on issues that will include a refresh for NATO’s cyber shield and investments in education and training, as well as further investments in air C2, ballistic missile defence, ISR, business applications and advanced software to support NATO’s operations.