Enhances and Accelerates SIGINT/ELINT Analysis
Mercury Systems Inc. has launched a new development platform – designated the Model 8258 – which incorporates and builds on its previously-announced SCFE6931 signal processor.
The company says the Model 8258 will allow customers to use AI technology to help develop new applications quickly. These can enable quicker and more effective analysis and interrogation of signal-processor data, reducing the time needed to make operational decisions.
“There is a growing need for artificial intelligence capabilities in autonomous unmanned vehicles/aircraft and munitions,” Ken Hermanny, Senior Director and General Manager of Mercury’s mixed signal division, said. “In a world where incremental change is no longer enough, Mercury is helping the A&D industry bend the curve by developing more powerful and secure processing systems.”
The 8258 development platform allows users to “immediately start unlocking the tremendous performance needed for advanced defense system solutions found in the SCFE6931 processing module,” the company states. The 8258 allows developers to create applications directly on the SCFE6931 hardware rather than in a separate laboratory iteration, “so the IP [intellectual property], software and hardware can transition directly to deployed signals intelligence and electronics intelligence systems,” thus reducing the time taken to identify and analyse those signals.