KNDS establishes joint venture LEOPARD Hungary MRO in Hungary

Operation and training with a new German-Hungarian joint venture. (László Kertész and Tamás Kovács)

The company is based in Gödöllö, Hungary

KNDS Deutschland (KNDS) and the Hungarian company HM Currus Zrt. (Currus) want to cooperate closely in the future and have therefore founded the joint venture LEOPARD Hungary MRO Kft. on February 20, 2025. KNDS has a 49 percent stake in the joint venture and Currus has a 51 percent stake.

LEOPARD Hungary MRO (Maintenance, Repair, Operations) shall ensure the long term logistic support of all KNDS systems of the Hungarian army. In 2019, Hungary signed a contract with KNDS for a total of 90 systems, which, in addition to the LEOPARD 2 battle tank and the PzH 2000 artillery system, also includes family vehicles such as the WISENT recovery system and the LEGUAN bridge layer. In addition, LEOPARD Hungary MRO will take over the maintenance of the systems‘ simulation and training facilities.

Hubert Dassinger, Co-Managing Director of LEOPARD Hungary MRO: „The basis of our joint venture lies in the close and successful cooperation we have achieved with our Hungarian customer over the last 5 years. We are proud that one of our key customers trusts us to support its KNDS fleet together with our Hungarian industrial partner Currus in a long term approach.”