French Army selects Exail’s driving simulators for tactical evaluation

Exail has been selected by the French Army to conduct a Tactical Evaluation (EVTA) of advanced driving simulators. (Exail)

This project marks a significant step forward in enhancing operational preparation and training for the French Army’s logistics units

This initiative, led by the Directorate of Studies and Foresight (DEP) of the Transportation and Operational Logistics School (ETLO), in collaboration with the French Army’s Technical Section (STAT), will be carried out by the 515th Transportation Regiment (515ᵉ RT) in Brie.

Enhancing military training through advanced simulation
Exail’s expertise in simulation technology will provide highly realistic driving simulators that seamlessly integrate into the operational training of logistics units. These simulators will ensure that soldiers are fully prepared to tackle operational challenges with confidence and expertise.

After a very convincing initial demonstration at Exail’s Lannion site, the Transport and Operational Logistics School’s DEP decided to take discussions further by conducting a Tactical Evaluation (EVTA), which was validated by the French Army Staff (EMAT) in 2024. This evaluation is expected to begin in June 2025 and will last 10 months. The primary goal for the Transportation regiment is to assess the relevance of these advanced driving simulators in optimizing the process of obtaining driving licenses, thereby enhancing operational capability. Additionally, these simulators will provide the opportunity to conduct convoy operations (squad first team) in simulation, improving training efficiency and operational readiness,“ stated Lieutenant Colonel Marc Guilleux.

Tailored simulation expertise for tactical excellence
Exail deploys its off-the-shelf EF-Car and EF-Truck simulators to train soldiers on a wide range of vehicles, from light to heavy and super heavy ones. This technology offers an immersive training environment, allowing operators to master their driving skills in a controlled and safe space, encouraging learning through experience and boosting overall operational efficiency.

For the French Army’s tactical evaluation, the simulators are connected to an instructor station, facilitating real-time monitoring. The system’s tactical scenario editor enables the 515th RT to simulate a wide range of operations including crowd management, ballistic threat responses, and improvised explosive device (IED) scenarios. These capabilities help soldiers develop coordination strategies, reaction maneuvers, and disengagement operations under realistic conditions.

At Exail, we are proud to support the French Army in conducting this Tactical Evaluation (EVTA) with our simulators. By providing an immersive and safe training environment, our EF-Car and EF-Truck simulators enable soldiers to refine their driving skills, preparing them for complex and demanding mission scenarios,” says Charles Le Bot, Head of simulation activities at Exail. “This partnership is a testament to our commitment to advancing military training, ensuring that soldiers are fully prepared for the challenges they will face in the field, with the flexibility to make mistakes, learn, and improve their operational efficiency.“