FORCIT plans to invest more than EUR 200 million in the construction of a new TNT production facility in Pori, Finland

Joakim Westerlund, CEO of FORCIT. (FORCIT)

The state-owned private equity company Tesi is negotiating investments in the production plant project

TNT is a widely used explosive that has been used in military applications for a long time. There is currently limited capacity for TNT production in Europe.

The production and logistics solutions regarding the new facility to be built will be designed with the environment and residents in mind.  

Investing in Finland is an investment in increasing the safety and security of not only Finland but also Europe as a whole,” says Joakim Westerlund, CEO of FORCIT

The project will be developed in strong cooperation with the defence administration, the authorities and local communities. The impacts of the project on defence and military security of supply as well as employment will be significant.